My nurse recommended that I try a dual wave bolus with dinner, because I WILL be using the dual wave feature when I am pregnant she says. A dual wave is a bolus given in two parts, one part immediately and one part given over X amount of hours. For example, she wanted me to try 50:50 over three hours, which meant that I would get 50% of my bolus initially and the other 50% over three hours. For some reason I was hesitant to try this. I had an irrational fear of it not working. I'm not sure what I was fearful of exactly, maybe it was the change.
The 50:50 did not work, so now we are trying 40:60 which seemed to work initially, except that for the past two evenings I have ended up with blood sugars in the 200's at 3 hours. I was even so enthusiastic about it being successful initially that I suggested trying the dual wave at breakfast and lunch as well to decrease post prandial spikes. This Tuesday I did 60:40 over 2 hours at breakfast and lunch and got spikes up to 180 at 2 hours post meal. Wednesday I did the same 60:40 over 2 hours at breakfast and lunch and no spike. Today I got a spike at breakfast, none at lunch.
I am both discouraged and encouraged by the dual wave results that I am getting. When it works, I am thrilled. When it doesn't work, I am overwhelmed by the numerous options in which it might work. Which ratio should I choose for each meal? Let's try breakfast. 60% first or 60% over 2 hours? or should it be 3 hrs? Or should I try 40% first over 3 hrs? or maybe only 2 hours? Or should I just go back to 50:50 over 1 hour? Or is it the type of carbs I'm eating. Should I add more protein? And then there's lunch and dinner to think about and it starts all over again. There are so many options and I am so anxious to get it right that if I think about it all at once I want to give up. One can drive themself mad. I just need to find the balance as Kims says.
That last paragraph made me giggle... that's the exact conversation going on it my head, too, when I'm trying to figure all of this out! So, so many variables. I absolutely love the combo bolus when it works, and feel so deflated when it doesn't. I've had to start stretching some of them out over 4 hours (because, like you, I'd start to see a significant rise at the 1 1/2 to 2 hour mark). Oh, diabetes. (P.S. Thanks for the shout-out!) :)