
The Feel Good Doctor

I got a call from my doc today to review my most recent blood sugars that I had uploaded and amongst all of our conversation back and forth she managed to give a little praise...

me: I have a complaint from a type 1, I'm getting low too often and as a result, fat, I've gained five pounds from all of the sugar I've been consuming, can we do something about that?
doc: yes, I agree you have been low often, let's adjust XYZ.
me: (whew! I didn't have to argue) thanks
doc: You know, your doing a stellar job! Just look at these numbers, this is so great, you should be so proud of yourself.
me: silence. um, thanks.

As I tried to remember if a doctor had ever told me that I did a good job, I felt all of those endorphins rush to my brain and put me in a state of pure bliss. I felt so damn good for days.

Let's give it up for the doc who realizes what a little encouragement can do for the mental and physical health of her patients!


  1. Oh, how I love a doctor who celebrates the good! :)

  2. CONGRATS!!!! That IS something to be celebrated. Glad you have a great doctor :)
    Keep up the great work...you are a motivation to me!
