
A Year in Review with Diabetes

It's time to reign in this year with one last post. I've had a second appointment with Dr. Feel Good in December and much to my surprise my Hba1c had lowered even more coming in at 5.7%. I was sure that it had crept up from the miraculous 6.0%. But nonetheless it was lower and my cgms readings were more stable (less ups and downs) and I'm actually starting to think things are getting easier. I'd like to recount 2010 with diabetes because it's been a big one for me.

April 2010     
Talk of pregnancy
Solicited help from Dr. B 
Started wearing CGMS regularly
Began training for RAGBRAI
Became interested in the DOC

May 2010     
Not much help from Dr. B
Hba1c of 7.0% for a second time
Started Young and Type 1
Began writing this blog

June 2010     
Consultation with High Risk Maternal Fetal Clinic
Char, amazing APN, began reviewing my CGMS data online
Experimented with foods that have different glycemic indices 
Adjusted basal rates and temp basals
Met T1's for the first time in years
July 2010       
Rode my bicycle across the state of Iowa
Found it difficult to control sugars with beer
Met T1 in 3rd trimester who recommended Dr. Feel Good

August 2010
Experimented with dual wave boluses
Met more amazing T1's
Met Dr. Feel Good
Hba1c 6.0%

September 2010   
Felt success
Stopped taking birth control
Started bolusing 15-20min before eating

October 2010        
Celebrated(?) my 14th year with diabetes 

November 2010
Tried to maintain steady state
Found it difficult with winter and holidays

December 2010   
Volunteered at the JDRF Gala
Hba1c 5.7%
Things are getting easier.